Star Wars Outlaws – Alle Übertragungsstandorte

In Star Wars Outlaws, 16 transmissions are hidden across the four sectors. You must find them all to unlock the prestigious "Cool Oldschool" trophy and upgrade. Good luck!

Tatooine Orbit

  1. Escape 04

[Images of the transmission]

  1. Sefin’s Journey 02

[Images of the transmission]

  1. Sefin’s Journey 04

[Images of the transmission]

Coruscant Orbit

  1. CIS Transmission 03

[Images of the transmission]

  1. Escape 02

[Images of the transmission]

  1. Sefin’s Journey 01

[Images of the transmission]

  1. CIS Transmission 02

[Images of the transmission]

Naboo Orbit

  1. Escape 03

[Images of the transmission]

  1. Sefin’s Journey 03

[Images of the transmission]

  1. CIS Transmission 01

[Images of the transmission]

Geonosis Orbit

  1. Escape 01

[Images of the transmission]

  1. Sefin’s Journey 05

[Images of the transmission]

  1. CIS Transmission 04

[Images of the transmission]

  1. CIS Transmission 05

[Images of the transmission]

  1. CIS Transmission 03

[Images of the transmission]

  1. On the Run 03

[Images of the transmission]

These are all 16 transmissions in Star Wars Outlaws.


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