モダン・ウォーフェア 3: シーズン 5 で使用する 5 つのベスト武器 | マルチプレイヤー メタ武器

Bal-27 assault rifle

The Bal-27 is an excellent weapon that can be used in various ways. With the right attachments, it can excel in both close-quarters and long-range engagements. First, let’s look at the optimal attachments for this weapon. The attachment order is crucial, so please pay attention.

The first step is to attach the Rear Grip and Hammer Grip. These attachments significantly improve the weapon’s handling and aiming speed. The Rear Grip reduces movement speed and sprint-to-fire speed, while the Hammer Grip sacrifices some accuracy for increased ADS speed and aiming stability.

Next, install the Scratch 20-L Suppressor. This attachment reduces the weapon’s appearance on the mini-map and radar, making it harder for enemies to spot you. It also reduces ADS speed, but this is a small compromise for the benefits it provides.

Then, attach the Kimura Ryn-03 Vertical Grip to the under-barrel slot. This attachment is excellent for improving the weapon’s handling, moving speed, and sprint-to-fire speed. It also reduces the weapon’s recoil.

Finally, install the 5.7x28mm High-Grade Muzzle Brake. This attachment slightly increases the weapon’s damage range and projectile speed, making it more effective at longer ranges.

MTZ-556 assault rifle

The MTZ-556 is another excellent weapon that excels at medium to long ranges. To unlock its full potential, attach the right attachments.

First, install the Barrel attachment, MTZ Clinch Pro, which increases the weapon’s damage range and speed, as well as reducing its horizontal spread.

Next, attach the Quartermaster Suppressor to the muzzle, which reduces the weapon’s appearance on the mini-map and radar, making it harder for enemies to spot you. It also reduces the weapon’s recoil and improves its aiming speed.

Then, install the SL Skeletor Vertical Grip to the under-barrel slot, which improves the weapon’s handling, moving speed, and sprint-to-fire speed. It also reduces its horizontal spread.

Finally, install the Rival Ace Grip to the rear grip, which slightly increases the weapon’s moving speed, sprint-to-fire speed, and ADS speed.

Static HV SMG

The Static HV is a new weapon that quickly rose to the top of the leaderboard. To unlock its full potential, use the right attachments.

First, install the Barrel attachment, Garrote-8 Long Barrel, which increases the weapon’s damage range, speed, and accuracy.

Next, install the Quartermaster Suppressor to the muzzle, which reduces the weapon’s appearance on the mini-map and radar, making it harder for enemies to spot you. It also reduces the weapon’s recoil and improves its aiming speed.

Then, install the Under-barrel attachment, DR-6 Hand Stop, which improves the weapon’s handling and moving speed.

Finally, install the 50 Round Drum Magazine, which increases the weapon’s ammo capacity and reduces the need to reload.

Superi-46 SMG

The Superi-46 is another new weapon that quickly became popular. To unlock its full potential, use the right attachments.

First, install the Barrel attachment, Boa 99 Short Barrel, which increases the weapon’s sprint-to-fire speed, ADS speed, and moving speed.

Next, install the Rear Grip and Hammer Grip attachments, which improve the weapon’s handling, moving speed, and sprint-to-fire speed.

Then, install the Quartermaster Suppressor to the muzzle, which reduces the weapon’s appearance on the mini-map and radar, making it harder for enemies to spot you. It also reduces the weapon’s recoil and improves its aiming speed.

Finally, install the Rescue-9 Stock, which slightly increases the weapon’s moving speed, sprint-to-fire speed, and ADS speed, and reduces its horizontal spread.

STG-44 assault rifle

The STG-44 is a new weapon that quickly gained popularity. To unlock its full potential, use the right attachments.

First, install the DR79 Combo Stock attachment, which improves the weapon’s handling, ADS speed, and moving speed.

Next, attach the Kimura Ryn-03 Vertical Grip to the under-barrel slot, which improves the weapon’s handling, moving speed, and sprint-to-fire speed. Then, install the Quartermaster Suppressor or Scratch 20-L Suppressor to the muzzle, which reduce the weapon’s appearance on the mini-map and radar, making it harder for enemies to spot you.

Finally, install the 40 Round Magazine, which increases the weapon’s ammo capacity and reduces the need to reload.


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